
Call of duty cold war campaign gameplay
Call of duty cold war campaign gameplay

call of duty cold war campaign gameplay call of duty cold war campaign gameplay

It's been heavily rumored for a long time now that this year's Call of Duty is going to be a sequel to 2019's Modern Warfare, and with the addition of a new mode, this could be a Call of Duty to watch out for. The new Call of Duty game, allegedly releasing towards the end of the year, will follow the same trend, apparently including a cooperative game mode that pits a team of human players against a swarm of AI enemies in an attempt to reach a specific objective.

call of duty cold war campaign gameplay

Even the more disappointing Call of Duty entries have had an additional game mode, like Ghosts' Extinction mode, and Advanced Warfare's Exo Survival mode. In Treyarch's games, this third mode tends to be the beloved Zombies mode, and in Infinity Ward's lineup, this mode is often a variation on the Spec Ops challenges that were introduced with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Since the days of World at War, Call of Duty has always had some kind of third game mode.

Call of duty cold war campaign gameplay